Well I suppose I should do a blog update. The blog has been around for around a year and a half and has survived countless setbacks including minimal budget, lack of a job, and oh so much more. The funny thing is that the blog seems like it can never truly run out of material or ideas. As of today I still have 113 restaurants/eateries/places of interest to visit and they span 46 different cities around the state. Just this week alone thanks to the wonderful guests in Disney World willing to make conversation I got yet another 5 places to potentially visit in the near future.
I love writing about what I discover, I love taking the pictures, and most times I have enjoyed the food. Some of the best food I’ve ever had has resulted because of this blog: and they include the Legend of Le Tub, the Legend of Yoders’ Pies, and the Legend of Mazzaros. That being said, the filming part of this blog is doomed, its absolutely dead.
There is just no hope whatsoever in reviving this aspect of the Floridian Cuisine Experience. The budget isn’t there, the effort isn’t there, and all the forces were conspiring against us. The way we were filming (guerilla-style) wasn’t working, and it’s even harder for a no-name to nab the attention of any of these places so we can film low-budget-Food-Network style. So all in all, I fired everybody and quit the videoblog. I’ve had more success (and arguably more quality) coming from the written portion, so I am better off just focusing on that.
All that’s left for me to do is figure out how to create a randomized system so that my next place to visit is randomly generated….granted I have enough money to do so. Like I said, over 100 spots, a whole lot of variety amongst the restaurants too.: I have some bbq, some Italian, plenty of seafood joints, and even a vegan spot somewhere nudged in there. To make a long blog entry short, I am quitting the filming part, and just writing about all the places I visit. Hopefully, I can successfully visually display my joy/pain of my visits.
Hope you are all doing well.
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