Sunday, August 25, 2013

Player One Bar: Huge Great Idea in a Small Setting

Player One Bar is quite possibly the most frustrating place I have ever been to. And it’s not implying it is the worst place this blog has ever reviewed. But instead it’s quite possibly one of the better ideas out there and yet it can’t be executed at the level it deserves to be.

The size of the bar is what really limits this place from being something truly special. The place has a dedicated staff, it has the right idea with a great concept, and its arsenal of drinks rivals that of the better bars in Orlando. But it’s the mere size that really restricts it from being a truly grandiose experience. Surely people will indeed enjoy the place---if you show up on the right time.

This bar isn’t big enough to display all the arcade cabinets that the owner has in possession. This bar isn’t big enough to handle a very busy night. This bar isn’t even big enough to handle making its own food and having to depend on the restaurants right next door. The bar isn’t big enough to really strive to become the savior of the concept of the arcade.

But let’s focus on its amazing concept: tournaments (that you can set up, although I would love for them to organize some by themselves), nightly specials, the ability to play old-old-old school games blended in with a wide variety of beers and mixed drinks. The bartenders are dressed as popular video game characters; there are dozens of videos available to play from the latest generation combo of the WiiU, PS3, and Xbox 360, and lastly the cost of entering and the cost of the drinks isn’t overdone and overwhelming.

Like I said before, arrive at the right time with the right people and this place will be your heaven. Find the N64 cabinet without a soul; you can play some classic Goldeneye or Mario Kart 64 with others. Find Mortal Kombat II or Marvel vs. Capcom by itself? Raise hell with a small tournament amongst buddies. But if you get in there and every game is occupied, each of the televisions are claimed? Not much else to offer. And with the smaller size, it had happened to me and it was not a pretty evening.

Bottom Line: The best way to improve Player One Bar is to expand somehow, someway. Merger, purchasing the occupying space next door, or move to a larger area within the plaza. Otherwise, Player One Bar will remain fun for most---and tough for those that arrived far too late. is hard to argue against anything when drinking cream soda, eating Dominos, and having the ability to play NHL 94'. It is a great idea that's potentially far too big for its minimal space, and its quick rise in popularity solidifies the theory.

Bottom Line: Recommend---when you arrive at the right time.

Player One Video Game Bar
Orlando, FL 32836

P.S. A few more 90s arcades and less 70s/80s arcades would also help. I miss me some NFL Blitz, Killer Instinct, Crazy Taxi, Tekken 3, and Golden Tee Golf.

Especially Crazy Taxi

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